This blog started as a place for me to put a few stories I had written about a dad and his two kids and the "everyday adventures" they had together. But it has sort of evolved into a hodge podge of dad related thoughts, stories, songs, and other misc. things.

Thursday, January 17, 2013


When I first created this blog, it was going to be a place I would put stories I had written.  The first stories were about a stay-at-home-dad and his kids and their everyday adventures.  Those first few stories were very much based on my life and my kids...although none of them is actually true.
(if you are interested you can find them here:

But as time went on, the blog evolved to be a place for my random thoughts, some relating to being a stay-at-home-dad and some not.  And some other stories that my kids had inspired, or helped create, or illustrated.

Looking over things on the computer today, I found another story I wrote a couple years ago.  It isn't really about a stay-at-home parent....or about being a dad....but I thought I'd stick it our here anyway.

It ended up being not quite as funny as I wanted...


The town of Hero, Wisconsin (population 701) is just like any other small town.  Well...not really.  You see, all the people living in Hero, (and even some of the pets) have super powers.  In downtown Hero you will find the same grocery stores, hardware stores, and barber shops as any other town.  But in Hero, Main Street also has stores like The Cape Cabana, Gadget-Mart, and The Mask Warehouse.  Instead of families going for walks or bike rides together, you can more often find families flying down to the corner store for ice cream.  Or taking the family rocket car out for a Sunday drive.
You might think that nobody in Hero ever needs help....but they do.  In a town full of superheros, whenever there is a lesson to learn, a class to teach, or an example to be given, Mr. Andrews, a hero of a different kind, is there.  He doesn’t wear a cape, or a fancy outfit, or have a colorful logo on his chest.  In fact, he is the only person in Hero ever seen wearing a suit and tie.  He doesn’t fly (at least no one has ever seen him fly) or have super muscle power.  But he always seems to be there when the people of Hero need him.  Nobody knows exactly where he comes from, or where he goes...they only know they’re happy to see him.

It was a bright sunny morning in Hero.  Nature Girl and Rope Boy were standing outside Gadget-Mart staring in the big front window.  The latest rocket boot accessory was on display.
“I wish I knew if we have enough money,” Nature Girl said.
Suddenly, as if from nowhere, he appeared.  Mr. Andrews stood next to Nature Girl.  “Can I help you figure that out?”
After a few minutes of learning how to count their collection of dollars, quarters, dimes and nickels, Nature Girl and Rope Boy were ready to go into the store.  Rope Boy gathered all of their money into his bag and turned around.
“Thanks Mr. And.....” But Mr. Andrews had vanished as quickly and as silently as he had appeared.

Over at the playground, Turtle Boy and the Pink Ninja were standing by the swing.
“But you already had a turn,” Turtle Boy was whining.
“You’ve had a turn too,” the Pink Ninja answered.  “I wish we could figure out whose turn it is.”
“Maybe we need a lesson in sharing,” a familiar friendly voice said from behind the slide.  Mr. Andrews stepped out of the shadows.
Pretty soon the Pink Ninja and Turtle Boy were laughing and singing as they took turns swinging and going down the slide.
“Wheee!” yelled Turtle Boy as he slid down the slide.  “Mr. Andrews, do you want a turn?”
“Where did he go?” the Pink Ninja said as she looked around.
They searched the playground but he was gone.
“I wonder where he goes.”

Weatherwoman stood outside the fence at the Hero community  swimming pool.  She watched the kids splashing and having fun.  She watched as they jumped from the spring board and went down the water slide.
“I wish I knew how to swim,” she said to herself.
“I could give you a few lessons,” Mr. Andrews said as he walked out of the locker room.
After convincing Weatherwoman to give it a try, and spending some time on the basics, she was ready to move from the kiddie pool to the big pool.  As she walked confidently to the water, she turned to thank Mr. Andrews.  But all she saw was the door to the locker room closing behind him.  
“Thank you!” she yelled toward him as she climbed down the steps and joined her friends in the pool.

As night falls on the little town of Hero, many superheros (young and old) are happier, they get along better, and they know a few more things than they did that morning thanks to a mysterious helpful and friendly hero.

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