This blog started as a place for me to put a few stories I had written about a dad and his two kids and the "everyday adventures" they had together. But it has sort of evolved into a hodge podge of dad related thoughts, stories, songs, and other misc. things.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Everyday Adventures with a Retail Worker

A few thoughts from tonight's shift at Target.

I was working in the electronics department at Target tonight.  I don't particularly enjoy working in that department because people tend to assume I know something about electronics.  (shhhhh....I don't.)  So there was a couple that came in and asked me where the Ipads were.  I showed them the case they are stocked in and told them which versions we had.  The lady knew exactly which one she wanted, so I got it out of the locked display case for her.  Then I asked if she wanted a cover for it.  She knew just what she wanted so I grabbed that for her and we went to check out.  At the check out I mentioned that if they had a Target credit card, she could save 5%, so they opened a Target account and saved about $27.

So to review, she came in and knew what she wanted...all I did was get them for her.  When we were done, she said I was very helpful and she wanted to let me manager know how much she appreciated my help.

My thought is that is a pretty sad comment on the expectations of customers these days.  I offered no product insight, answered no questions, added absolutely nothing to her shopping experience (except for an extremely funny comment about Angry Birds)....and she is impressed by that?

I guess sometimes it pays to just be friendly.  You don't always get friendly from store workers.

Another guest in electronics tonight reminded me of a YouTube video I've been sent a couple times of a comedian talking about how people are quick to forget just how easy we have it these days.  For example, complaining about airplane snacks when they should just be amazed at the miracle of flight.  How we can get across the country in hours, where it used to take months and half of your travel party wouldn't survive the trip.

Well tonight, a 14ish year old boy was buying an Ipad.  He went on to complain about how much it cost...and how it really is just a big Ipod.  My thought was (grumpy old man alert!!):  In my day, if you wanted the same amount of computing power, the machine would be bigger than my house.  Now you have it in a notebook size miracle of modern science.   And you're just going to play Fruit Ninja anyway!  This boy has never know life without personal electronic devices that do what ever you want.  No need to think or learn.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Four Seasons In One Day

Crowded House has a song called "Four Seasons In One Day" and that title came to mind today as I went about my everyday adventures.....

Felt very young as I watched Disney Jr. with my daughter before school this morning.  These shows are aimed at young children, but my 11 year old daughter still loves to watch them, and her 39 year old dad still enjoys them too.  I don't think I will ever outgrow cartoons aimed at young children.

Felt very old as I pushed my dad around the hospital in a wheel chair.  And although the wheel chair wasn't totally necessary, (he has a broken foot and was there to have it checked out, and instead of having him use his crutches, they suggested a wheel chair), there is something very odd and humbling about pushing your dad in a wheel chair.  And the hospital setting made it all the more weird.

Felt very young as I ran my laps at the YMCA track.  With my schedule, it worked out best for me to run around noon.  Which is apparently when the older generation hits the track.  I was the youngest one there by decades.  I'm sure they wondered why they had to share the track with a youngster like me.

They say you are only as old as you feel....well, after today, I have no idea how old I am.

(which reminds me....I need to get started on my mid-life crisis blog entry.  Only about 3 months until 40....shudder)

Friday, April 13, 2012

Mystical Creatures update

A while back, I wrote about a story my daughter and I had written together.  She was sure it would be made into a book, and eventually a movie.  Well, we did send it to a few publishers and we got a very nice rejection email last week.  And it occurs to me that it is still pretty cool, that somebody sat in their office and read the story that we wrote.  Or at least they took the time to enter the title and our email address into their rejection email system.

So what follows here in this blog exclusive is an excerpt from "Mystical Creatures."  I've chosen two of my daughter's favorite sections.  Scenes that she thinks will be really cool in the movie version.

Queen Thorn met him in the great entrance hall.  “Why have you returned so soon Striker?”
“My queen,” he said as he bowed and held out the tiny dragon.
Thorn’s eyes grew large in excitement.  “You have done well my loyal servant,” she whispered while taking Promise from him.
“Yes, my queen,” he answered.  “And for my payment....”
“I will let you live,” she snapped before transforming into her dragon form and flying away.


Queen Thorn stroked the baby dragon as she spoke, “My darling child, soon you and I shall rule together.  With your power there will be no one to stop us,” she said with a wicked smile.
The baby dragon looked up, blew a puff of flame and smoke, and bit the evil queen’s finger.

Why not run?

When you decide to stay home with your kids, and then they decide to grow up and spend the whole day in school, it leaves you with a lot of free time.  Over the years, I've filled that time with a variety of things:

Working part-time,
playing playstation,
playing with the dog,
watching Spongebob,
getting some shuteye,
and blogging.
And on occasion....I run.  

The question I have for you today is:  Why don't I run more?  I've competed two marathons in my life, so I know I can do it.  Why don't I do another marathon?  It's not like I don't have time to train.  And I certainly could use the exercise.  So why not?

I did manage to run 5 miles today (and I'd like to give a shout out of thanks to the person that decided to build the Kaukauna city building on my route - and provide excellent public restrooms within.) and I'm feeling pretty good.  Maybe it's the "runner's high" talking,  but I think I'll look into some area fall marathons.