This blog started as a place for me to put a few stories I had written about a dad and his two kids and the "everyday adventures" they had together. But it has sort of evolved into a hodge podge of dad related thoughts, stories, songs, and other misc. things.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

I wish I had the enthusiasm and optimism of my daughter.

As you've seen here before, I've written some short stories based on things I've done with my children.  I've also written a few other children's stories that they like.  Last night, my daughter drew more pictures for the Raindrops story that I posted a couple of weeks ago.  (If you want to check those out, go here: Raindrops)  My favorite picture is of Dewey, the smaller, timid raindrop, sitting on the cloud listening to Walter explain how fun it will be when they leave the cloud.  I just love how she drew the scene.

Also last night she asked me about another story we worked on together last spring.  She and her friends play a game at recess they call "Mystical Creatures."  They pretend to be unicorns, dragons, fairies, etc. and have adventures.  The same group of her friends has been playing together for several years now.  And last spring, she asked me to right a story about it.  So with her help and guidance, I wrote a story about the twin sister queens (one good and one evil) fighting to control the newly born baby dragon that they have foreseen has the power to destroy the evil queen once and for all.  (sounds awesome, right?!?!?!)

Last night, my daughter asked me if I had sent it in to any publishers yet.  She said, "And then they'll make it into a movie!"

I immediately wanted to tell her that our little story has no chance of being a movie, or even a book.  We can enjoy it ourselves, but that is about it.  But why should I rain on her parade?  Why should I dash the optimistic spirit of an 11 year old that loves unicorns and fairies and dragons?

So I think we're going to edit it a bit and send it in to some publishers.  Maybe we'll even get a nice polite rejection letter for her to put in a scrapbook.   :)

Or maybe she'll draw the pictures for that story too...and self publish it....and someday make it into a movie on her own.

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