This blog started as a place for me to put a few stories I had written about a dad and his two kids and the "everyday adventures" they had together. But it has sort of evolved into a hodge podge of dad related thoughts, stories, songs, and other misc. things.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Where's my cupcake?

My daughter's fourth grade class had a funeral this morning.   A funeral for "dead" words.  Their teacher identified a handful of words that were overused and declared them dead.   A note was sent home informing us that students could dress in black and bring black treats today.  Parents were invited to attend and help the kids rid their writing of the dead words.  All I needed to know was that parents were invited and there would be treats.  I was in.

So at 8:15 this morning we gathered in the class room, read poems and looked for dead words.  My group happened to be sitting right next to the treat table.  I got to hear poems about marshmallows, bugs, dancing, getting the flu, and the color red.  We eliminated words like "said," "things," "awesome," and "lots."  

Then we parents left and the kids went to an assembly in the gym.

NO TREATS WERE EATEN!!!!!   Apparently, the class will be eating the cupcakes decorated with "RIP" and the cookie cake that reads "Farewell, we will miss you" sometime later this morning.

Thumbs up to the creative way to get the kids to widen their vocabulary usage.
Thumbs down to no treats for the parents. (isn't it all supposed to be about the parents?)

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