This blog started as a place for me to put a few stories I had written about a dad and his two kids and the "everyday adventures" they had together. But it has sort of evolved into a hodge podge of dad related thoughts, stories, songs, and other misc. things.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Daily log (seemed funnier before I wrote it)

Today's "Everyday Adventure" log:

6:00  alarm starts the day
6:15  the boy emerges from his room, dressed and grumpy
6:20   the boy chooses pop tarts over cereal for breakfast.  Not the healthiest start...but it is a start
6:30  first attempt at waking the girl
6:40   second attempt at waking the girl  - she says to start making eggos.  That's much earlier than usual.  Good start.
6:45   eggos are read, girl is up
6:47    make myself oatmeal and toast.
6:50    OOPS.  Forgot to make wife's breakfast and lunch.  Now she is doing it while I eat my breakfast.  I never forget to do that.  Not a good start.
7:00  the boy has eaten, brushed his teeth and is playing video games
7:01  remind the boy to change his underwear.  (amazing how often that does not happen)
7:02         verify that the boy has on new underwear
7:15  make cold lunches for both kids (how they don't like pizza dippers (the hot lunch choice for today) is beyond me)
7:00 - 7:40  kids fight over who gets to play with Mom's new IPOD touch.
7:40         leave for school.  We ride bikes today even though it is only 30 degrees.  Good because they're getting some exercise and we're saving gas.  Bad because it's COLD!!!
7:52         I'm home again.
8:00 - 8:45 time to start some laundry and get myself ready.  But instead....I sleep.  (shhhh, don't tell my wife.)
9:00        Get ready for my Core Conditioning class at the YMCA
9:30        leave for the YMCA.  (even though it is only about a 10 minute drive and class doesn't start until 10:00...why do I leave so early?)
9:42-10:00 wander the halls of the YMCA waiting for class
10:00 Core Condition class (just once, I'd like to see another dad in one of these classes.  Once again, its me and the moms.)
11:15 arrive home (arms still shaking from class.  not only does my core need work, apparently so do my arms.)
11:30 Cereal and toast for lunch.  (You know you're old when your eating Fiber One cereal by choice.)
11:50 Start laundry I meant to start 4 hours earlier
12:45 Leave for school.  I volunteer in my daughter's class room on Monday afternoons.  Once again, it is only 2 minutes away, why do I leave so early?)
12:50 Wander the halls of the school waiting for 1:00.
1:00 - 2:00 Help 4th graders with math.  (For those that have not done's way harder than it looks.  People who teach for a living are awesome!!!)
2:05          Arrive home.  Laundry to drier.
2:07          I should mention here that anytime I'm home and there is a spare 5 minutes, you can assume I am playing ZUMA Blitz on Facebook.
2:20         Write this meandering timeline....not quite as much humor here as I had hoped.  Oh well.

looking into the crystal ball:

3:00 Leave to meet the kids at Grandma and Grandpa's house
3:18         Eat cookies with kids before they bike home (I'll be driving the 3's COLD)
4:00        Take the boy to Karate at the YMCA.  Try not to leave way early....but I'm sure we will.
4:50        Hope the my wife made it home to take the girl to ballet.
5:00       Try to get the boy to do homework.  Way more trouble than it should be.
6:00        Make some Schwan's meatloaf for supper.  Goof stuff
6:30        Eat
6:50       Try to get the girl to do homework
7:00 - 8:00 kids fight over who gets to play with Mom's new IPOD touch.
8:00   the boy in bed, read some books, asleep
8:00  the girl in bed, read some books
8:10 put the girl back in bed
8:22  put the girl back in bed
8:44  put the girl back in bed
9:30   put the girl back in bed
9:45   put the girl back in bed
10:15 zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
(laundry still in the drier......)

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