This blog started as a place for me to put a few stories I had written about a dad and his two kids and the "everyday adventures" they had together. But it has sort of evolved into a hodge podge of dad related thoughts, stories, songs, and other misc. things.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

My Daughter and my favorite Star Trek episode

Maybe it's because my daughter wants to be just like her mom.
Maybe it's because it takes me back to my college days.
Maybe it's because the story is about parenting.

Allison has been making her way through Star Trek: The Next Generation on Netflix...tonight we watched the episode "The Inner Light" and I cried like a baby.

"Seize the time. Live now. Make now always the most precious time. Now will never come again."

"I always believed that I didn't need children to complete my life. Now I couldn't imagine life without them."

Monday, August 19, 2013

The Sheet Dilema

Today is wash the kids' bed sheets day (honestly does not come around as often as it should...but that's another issue).  And it became much more emotional for me than I was expecting.

Took the sports themed sheets off my son's bed.  Asked him which set he wanted me to put on.

"I don't care," was all I could get from I expected.

"Ok....I think we'll go with Transformers then," I said climbing into the closet to find new sheets.


"Star Wars?"  I asked.


I guess the soon to be eleven year old has out grown his fun little boy sheets.  
No more BumbleBee pillow case or Clone Trooper sheets.
And I haven't even tried using the Lightning McQueen set for a couple years.


We finally settled on putting the sports sheets back on after they're washed.

It may be time to do some shopping for some more grown up boy bedding.

Goodbye old friends.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Late at night....must turn off brain....

It's time to get another job.
I wish I had a different job.
If I get a different job, will I miss all of my kids activities?
What if I'm not home to get them off to school in the morning?
What if I'm not home to help with their homework every night?
I need a higher paying job.
I need to do something different.
I work with some cool people.
I'll apply for a few jobs, and see what happens.
Got a call about an interview....didn't go.   Too much like what I have now.  What's the point?
I don't like coming home from work after the kids are in bed.
If I get a full time job, does that mean this whole stay-at-home dad thing was a failure.
Or has it just run it's course.
I have no idea what I want to do when I grow up.
Got another interview.
I hope I get would be a lot more money.
I'm not sure I'll like it.
Maybe they won't want me, then I don't have to decide.
I'd like the bigger pay checks.
I'd like to do something different.
What if I try it and don't like it.
Will the kids be all right home alone that much?
The kids don't need me home with them as much.
Maybe this job could lead to something better.
I wonder what Powerball is up to......

Saturday, August 3, 2013

The Bat part 2

I know you've all been waiting for the update on my post about the bat we bought last winter.
(refresh your memory here.)

So today we took the bat down to the baseball field at the elementary school down the street.  I pitched a few to Andrew.  He had some decent hits.  He always wants me to try and get him out which is tough with no first baseman to catch my throw.

Then we played some catch and tried to tag an imaginary runner caught in between first and second.

Then he pitched a couple to me.

Then while running to the grass to get the ball (I totally crushed that inside fastball) he saw a butterfly, dropped his glove, and spent 15 minutes chasing it around the outfield.

It was all great!   :)

On a personal note, is it impressive or sad that I can remember all three of my hits from my one season of High School JV baseball?  I was just 3 for 18 that year and obviously should have gotten a lot more playing time!  Being on the field brought it back like it was yesterday.  That part of the morning was fun too.