This blog started as a place for me to put a few stories I had written about a dad and his two kids and the "everyday adventures" they had together. But it has sort of evolved into a hodge podge of dad related thoughts, stories, songs, and other misc. things.

Monday, June 3, 2013

The Door Into Summer

Summer vacation starts this week.
Way back when...when I started this stay-at-home-dad thing, I always had big plans for summer.
Weekly trips to the library.
Bike rides for ice cream.
Picnics at the park by the river.
Those plans more or less fell apart by the afternoon of the first day.

(side note on the title of this post: "The Door Into Summer" just might be my favorite Monkees song....I'll have to draw up a bracket and find out for sure some time.)

This summer, I have no big plans or daily activities planned.
Sure, both kids have soccer until the end of June.  And summer school classes four mornings a week during June and July.
(and I know I wrote about this another time, but WOW summer school is way cooler than it was back in my day.  My daughter is taking a photography class and movie making class.  And my son is taking a class called "Legos and Computers."  How cool is that???)

So that at least gets them out of the house.
But we're mostly just going to wing it.

And hopefully I'll get more hours at Target over the summer.  For the first time, I've told them I'm available some during the day and most nights over the summer.  Which means....gasp....the kids may stay home alone for a few hours somedays.  I know...that's harder for me to accept than for them.  I honestly don't think they would miss me much.  But I like to pretend they would notice that I'm gone.

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