This blog started as a place for me to put a few stories I had written about a dad and his two kids and the "everyday adventures" they had together. But it has sort of evolved into a hodge podge of dad related thoughts, stories, songs, and other misc. things.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Seven Year Itch?

Wow,  I'm into my 7th school year as a stay-at-home-dad.  That's weird.  I had my "real" job for 11 years, and it seems like I did that forever and I just started doing this.  But the calendar doesn't  lie.

This school year feels different from the others though.  Let's review:

05-06 - Allison was in Pre-K four afternoons a week, so I had Andrew home all the time and both kids every morning and all day on Fridays.  Lots of nap time, mostly for me....some for Andrew.

06-07 - Allison in Kindergarten, Andrew in Pre-K.  Andrew was home every morning and all day on Mondays (or Fridays....I forget....I'm getting old.)  Lots more nap time while Andrew was at pre-K.

07-08 - Allison 1st Grade, Andrew Kindergarten.  Both kids in school all day.  I volunteered in Andrew's class regularly and also in the school lunch room two days a week.  Morning naps become very common this year.

08-09 - Allison 2nd Grade, Andrew 1st Grade.  I started working at Target part-time.  Was hoping to just work during the days when they were both in school.  And for the most part, I did....with a bunch of weekend nights mixed in.  Still napping on my off days from Target.

09-10 - Allison 3rd, Andrew 2nd.  Part-time some days at Target.  Napping the other days.

10-11 - Allison 4th, Andrew 3rd.  Regular volunteering in Allison's class.  Still working at Target, still napping.

11-12 - Allison 5th, Andrew 4th.  So far, no volunteering at school...but that could still come, it's early in the year.  Also, so far only two days of working at Target while they are in school.  The part-time day hours are just not what they used to be.  So for the most part, I'm home with the dog all day...napping.

So maybe it's just the extra time at home, or maybe the fact that the kids don't need me as much even when they are home, but I've been looking a lot more at the classified ads.

Do I want a new job with more hours?
What if I'm not home as much with my kids?
Does that mean I'm not a SAHD anymore?
Does that mean I have to go back to being a computer programmer?  (I'll be honest, I REALLY miss that paycheck).
Do I have to start napping less?

Maybe a publisher will see the stories I put out here way back when, or the few I have that I plan on putting out here soon and I'll make my millions that way and I can continue my current nap schedule.

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