This blog started as a place for me to put a few stories I had written about a dad and his two kids and the "everyday adventures" they had together. But it has sort of evolved into a hodge podge of dad related thoughts, stories, songs, and other misc. things.

Sunday, May 21, 2023


When my dad died a few months ago, it became obvious to me (as I suppose I knew all along) that people remember how you treat them. They don’t remember your stuff….your car, your money, or even your job. Of course those lines are blurred with him since his job was a pastor, but that was really more about who he was, not just what he did. People were touched by how he remembered their name after not seeing them for years. How he took a genuine interest in their lives. How he went out of his way to support people at running events. How he made people feel seen, important and loved.

People are what’s important. 

Also since my dad died, I find myself more and more wanting to avoid people. Stay home…and when I do go out, I want to avoid talking to people…isolate from the outside world. If not for my wife and my job, I would sit alone in my house all day. 

I’m trying to mesh those two ideas. The importance of people and relationships vs. my comfort level around them. I do try to treat people with kindness, but I also want them to leave me alone. I want people to feel important and loved, but from a safe distance. 

Also, as much as I’ve worried about my job defining me over the years, I will have failed if I am only remembered as a great computer programmer…bank teller…call center representative…retail associate…loan servicer….or even Stay-at-home Dad.

Friday, January 7, 2022

When we find music that we love

Lessons from Giraffes Can’t Dance….my favorite book to read to my kids when they were younger. 

“Gerald the giraffe has thin legs and crooked knees. At the Annual Jungle Dance he watches the other animals dancing but when he tries to dance they laugh at him. 

Gerald leaves the dance and meets a friendly cricket who advises him to listen to the sounds of nature and follow his own rhythm. The cricket starts playing his violin and Gerald starts to dance like he has never danced before. The other animals are amazed and ask Gerald how he learnt to dance like that.”

This week at work, I got recognition from my boss….basically for staying healthy for the month of December and showing up to work at a busy time for our department….but positive recognition nonetheless. 

This fairly minor event got me thinking a lot….as I do…about my job history. 

Five years ago, I was in a job that was not a good fit for me. I was not very good at it and didn’t enjoy it. I was surrounded by great people and given a lot of training, but the situation was just not good for me. I can remember having monthly one-on-one meetings with my manager talking about ways for me to improve; mentoring, job shadowing etc. But I never did improve or feel comfortable, and eventually left that job.

A couple more jobs followed…

Now five years later, I’m still the same person. I have not gotten smarter, or changed my work habits… but I’m in a job that felt comfortable from day 1. I quickly became a valued member of the team. There has never been a conversation about me needing to improve and I’ve  become a trainer/mentor to new employees.

“We all can dance when we find music that we love.”

I hope my kids find their own music and dance!

Thursday, July 1, 2021

25 Years

 25 Years!

I was lucky enough to meet Becky the first week of our freshman year in college. She was in a few of my classes that first term and helped me pass Calculus.

She doubled majored in Math and Computer Science at Wartburg and was Computer Science senior of the year in 1994...and decorated her dorm room with so many toys and stuffed animals that people assumed she was an elementary education major.

She has a Master's Degree in Computer Science from Notre Dame...and a large collection of R2-D2 toys.

She has completed 4 Ironman distance triathlons, a dozen marathons, countless 5Ks, multiple 100 mile bike rides....and will spend entire weekends on the couch binging Netflix.


They say making a marriage last 25 years is a lot of work. But I haven't had to work at it for one day of those 25 years. (she may have a different answer on that.)

She truly is my best friend and I'm glad she has let me tag along for the last 25 years.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Going back many years....I used to post things here about my kids...and my attempt to parent them. I'm no longer a stay-at-home-dad, in fact my kids don't even live here full time anymore as they are both going to college out of state.

But the urge hit me today to write something related to here you go.....

I know 2020 has been hard for a lot of people....but the "2020 is the worst and endlessly awful" mentality is getting tired.

So I present my own  personal 2020 has been awesome list.  I encourage you to make your own.

I started a new job which I enjoy.  It's been a LONG time since I could say that.

My son graduated high school and got valuable real world work experience working in the IT field through a work-school CO-OP program.

My daughter finished her 1st year of college and over came the sudden switch to distance learning and made the Dean's list for Winter Term.

My wife and daughter completed a marathon together (my daughter's first and my wife's....I've lost count, but it's a lot). They also completed a triathlon just a few weeks ago.  They are awesome!

My son joined the men's choir at college, despite not being in choir during high school. He must have been listening all those years we told him he was an awesome singer after hearing him sing in church and in the car.   :)

My daughter was made a student manager at her on campus job. She is a born leader.

This list could be and should be much longer....but as is tradition with my posts, I try not to over think them and just let them happen.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Unexpected out of retirement post

You know what's scary about life. Things happen. Things you could never see coming. Things that are terrible, or hard, or life changing and completely unexpected.

A few weeks ago, we were on vacation in Michigan, having a fabulous time as a family.

Suddenly my son is lying face down in a parking lot. Did not see it happen, but apparently he fainted and fell face first into the asphalt. He's bleeding. His teeth hurt. His jaw hurts. Will he need stitches? Is there an ER or Urgent Care near by?

Things happen. Scary things that you could never see coming. Things that can change everything, literally in a matter of seconds.

My little example has a boring and happy ending. He's fine. There was Urgent Care near by and they took great care of him. He may have a scar on his chin, but no other teeth or jaw issues.

(And if you see him, don't ask him about it. His teenager embarrassment will kick in and I'll be in trouble for over sharing.)

When I retired from this blog because I'm not a stay-at-home-dad anymore, it was mostly because I did not have as much time to write as I once did. Very little editing goes into this whole project...just kind of write and go. I enjoy writing and I think it helps me think through things. Well today, I had another unexpected event that provided time to write. An unplanned day off work to deal with a minor (and embarrassing) health issue (rhymes with that too much information?) gave me time to write.

I've though a lot about that day with my son. My mind can not comprehend the other possible outcomes that day.

My life is so easy and so perfect....and yet I complain daily about it.
Why is that?
Why is it so easy to list the few minor things that would make my life better, instead of the millions of major things that make my life so incredibly sweet already?

(just re-read this....maybe I need an editor. 😀  Kind of incoherent, and not sure what the point is...)

Saturday, March 26, 2016

How do we keep failing so many kids?

These thoughts have been swirling around in my head for the last several days.  I have no answers, only questions.  I write them here just to see if expressing them brings any new perspective.

A few days ago, our community lost another teenager to suicide.  Another.  This would be horrifying enough as an isolated case...but it isn't.   Not even close.  Another?!?!?

How do we keep failing so many kids?

I hear two opposing views on kids and parenting:
Kids today face more pressure than ever before.  Social media, year round sports, grades, jobs, scholarships...all these are making our kids stressed out way too soon.  They don't have a chance to be kids.
Kids today are coddled by helicopter parents and never given a chance to fail.  They are soft and spoiled.

How can these both be true?  Every child is different and deserves their own middle ground on the scale between the world asking too much or too little from them.

How can we encourage without pressuring? Support without coddling?  Let them fail without them feeling abandoned?

I don't have the answers.
I have no idea if I'm doing it right with my own kids.
I pray that I am.
I pray that we all are.