This blog started as a place for me to put a few stories I had written about a dad and his two kids and the "everyday adventures" they had together. But it has sort of evolved into a hodge podge of dad related thoughts, stories, songs, and other misc. things.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Going back many years....I used to post things here about my kids...and my attempt to parent them. I'm no longer a stay-at-home-dad, in fact my kids don't even live here full time anymore as they are both going to college out of state.

But the urge hit me today to write something related to here you go.....

I know 2020 has been hard for a lot of people....but the "2020 is the worst and endlessly awful" mentality is getting tired.

So I present my own  personal 2020 has been awesome list.  I encourage you to make your own.

I started a new job which I enjoy.  It's been a LONG time since I could say that.

My son graduated high school and got valuable real world work experience working in the IT field through a work-school CO-OP program.

My daughter finished her 1st year of college and over came the sudden switch to distance learning and made the Dean's list for Winter Term.

My wife and daughter completed a marathon together (my daughter's first and my wife's....I've lost count, but it's a lot). They also completed a triathlon just a few weeks ago.  They are awesome!

My son joined the men's choir at college, despite not being in choir during high school. He must have been listening all those years we told him he was an awesome singer after hearing him sing in church and in the car.   :)

My daughter was made a student manager at her on campus job. She is a born leader.

This list could be and should be much longer....but as is tradition with my posts, I try not to over think them and just let them happen.

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