This blog started as a place for me to put a few stories I had written about a dad and his two kids and the "everyday adventures" they had together. But it has sort of evolved into a hodge podge of dad related thoughts, stories, songs, and other misc. things.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Mid Summer Thoughts

We bought our school supplies the other day (I know, it's too early to do that, but you've got to get there before they sell out of yellow folders.) so I thought I'd look at where we are at the mid summer mark....

We went to Six Flags for my birthday earlier this month.  (I turned somewhere between 15 and 101, depending on the day.)  I'm not sure why my kids like going there so much.  They don't especially like any of the rides.  Although we got them on more this time than last year...they'd just as soon spend the whole time on the merry-go-round.

Soccer season came and went.  My daughter is so much better now that we ever thought she would be after her first season.  She spent that first summer looking at bugs and picking flowers and occasionally running away from the ball.  Now she is honest to goodness good at playing defense.  Way Cool.  
My son loves to play too but isn't so much interested in being involved in any actual soccer.  He has developed quite a knack for running parallel to the action.  Or circling around the other players, sort of patrolling the perimeter in case a stray ball shoots out to him.  But he has fun, which is what it's about at his age.

He also played baseball again this year.  Last summer he did not enjoy baseball and was not at all disappointed to have his season cut short by a broken arm.  This year he is playing in a YMCA league where the games are more like two team practices.  Everybody bats, everybody plays the field, there are no strike outs.  He is having a lot more fun this year.  

Bought a new car last week, daughter did not take it well.  (as I've written in this space before, she get emotionally attached to things....gummy worms anybody?)  She cried, and cried, and cried.  She wanted to keep a part of it, so we let her keep the little plastic black thing that held the owner's manual.  She got upset when when my wife suggested we pick out a name for the new van because "we never named the old car, why should we treat the new one so special?"  I think we're over it.....but we'll see what happens the next time we see a dark blue Dodge Grand Caravan on the road.

My son had Ninja camp at the YMCA for a week.  I don't know for sure what they did, but how cool is it to tell people you went to Ninja Camp?  Way cool!

We've also been busy with percussion lessons, Nature Nuts class, and a couple of triathlons.

My family is way cool!

At the kids triathlon

 My birthday at Six Flags

Having trouble letting go.

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