This blog started as a place for me to put a few stories I had written about a dad and his two kids and the "everyday adventures" they had together. But it has sort of evolved into a hodge podge of dad related thoughts, stories, songs, and other misc. things.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

School Open House Night

Tonight is open house night at my kids' middle school.  One is in 8th grade and one in 7th.  In my day, that was known as Jr. High.  I'm sure I will find myself saying things like "When I was in Jr. High...."  or "In my 8th grade science class...." as if these thing are relevant to my kids.

Funny how time works.  In my head, Jr. High was just the other day.  I have many vivid memories that seem like they could provide meaningful insights for my kids.  On the other hand, when I was in Jr. High, if my parents had tried to tell me about when they were in 7th grade, they might as well have been describing that it was like coming over on the Mayflower.  Nothing they experienced in school could possibly have anything to do with me.

I remember where my locker was in the long line of skinny yellow lockers.  And my gym locker too.
I remember where I sat in 7th grade English class.  When I gave my speech on Nathan Hale (and how all the members of Duran Duran got more votes the Nathan Hale for the Clear Lake Jr. High Hall of Fame.)...and my instructional speech on how to make a phone call...and wrote my short story "Purple Duckula."
I remember where I sat at lunch everyday.  And where I stood during the Jr. High dances...and all the girls I was going to ask to dance...but instead stood along the wall all night.
I remember art projects...and how I was the only boy in my 8th grade art elective class.
I remember carving the number "2" into my Trapper Keeper...and what that number meant.
I remember getting the Chicken Pox...and giving the Chicken Pox.
I remember making a battery powered car in science class that I name "The Awesome Auto."
I remember.....

All of these thing just happened the other day, and I'm sure my kids could find them useful as they make their way through Middle School.

This is what I looked like then....haven't changed a bit.

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