This blog started as a place for me to put a few stories I had written about a dad and his two kids and the "everyday adventures" they had together. But it has sort of evolved into a hodge podge of dad related thoughts, stories, songs, and other misc. things.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

The end of 6th grade, and the problem I didn't see coming.

For 180 days of school, it went like this:

Me:  How was school?
Boy:  mmm
Me:  Anything fun happen?
Boy:  uhhhhh
Me:  Learn anything new?
Boy:  errrrr
Me:  Did you even go to school?
Boy:  oeuklerimmeiere

So it was completely unexpected that last night at bedtime we had a meltdown.  Yesterday was the boy's last day of 6th grade....

"It was the best year ever!  We had so much fun!  I don't want it to be over!  My class was perfect!  There is no way 7th grade will be as much fun!  I want to stay in 6th grade!"
Wow.  I was taken totally by surprise by the tears.

Where are Mike Brady or Andy Griffith and their quick awesome fatherly advice when you need them?

My attempts to assure him that 7th grade would be just as good were only met with more tears.

If I had seen this coming, I might have been able to prepare a response....but as it was, I just sat next to him and let him cry.

This just never gets easier, does it?