The other day in the shower (why is it that the best thinking is done in the shower?) I was randomly thinking about my son being in 6th grade. About 100 years ago, when I was in 6th grade, I was chosen to be part of a sort of extra curricular computer group. I don't remember a lot of the details....but I remember getting to get out of class to go to the library to learn how to use the computer. And some BASIC programming.
probably looked a lot like this:
10 print "Nathan is awesome"
20 goto 10
(remember those days...when the school had that one computer in the library that everybody shared.)
I'm not sure how or why I was chosen, but I remember thinking that it was pretty cool. And it probably started me on my path to what would become my field of study in college and eventually my career.
(although I've changed careers since then from "computer programmer" to "no idea.")
I was just thinking about how now my son knows more about computers than I do, and wondering where, if anywhere, that will lead him.
I've often said that I peaked in 6th grade....I hope the same is not true for him.